Key results of coaching with me
They've been Wysped !
Shape your vision
Fondatrice - Umains, Paris
Avant l'accompagnement de Chloé mon développement commercial partait dans tous les sens. Je ne prenais pas le temps d'identifier et de résoudre les éléments bloquants. Chloé m'a permis d'identifier et de clarifier les actions à mettre en place pour être plus efficace. La trame ludique et personnalisée permet de prendre conscience rapidement de nos forces et de nos axes d'améliorations. Cet accompagnement m'a fait avancer rapidement sur des éléments que je repoussais ou dont je n'avais même pas connaissance. Ma trajectoire et mon discours commercial sont plus clairs, j'en récolte déjà les fruits.
Consultant en Accessibilité - Access42, Lyon
J'en étais à un point de ma vie où je n'arrivais plus à avoir d'ambition, professionnellement et personnellement. J'avais besoin de sortir de cette impasse et c'est là que l'on m'a recommandé Chloé. Nos échanges m'ont permis de me retrouver, de définir mes repères, mes valeurs, de réaliser que j'étais la source de beaucoup de mes doutes et de reprendre confiance en moi. Chloé m'a transmis des outils, des mécanismes pour que je puisse prendre soin de moi et que je puisse avancer. Ton écoute et le climat de confiance que tu as instauré, ta justesse en rebondissant à ce que je pouvais te dire m'ont permis de me sentir à la barre de mon navire.
Ce fut un des voyages les plus enrichissants de ma vie. Merci d'avoir été là tout au long de la balade.
Country Manager Italy - Payplug, Paris
J'espérais sortir de cette année plus forte dans mon travail, mais finalement je suis plus forte dans ma propre reconnaissance et assurance. Les points avec Chloé m'ont servi à comprendre mieux mes envies, mes points de forces et à faire valoir mon idéal sur mon travail. Je vais changer de métier mais j'en serai plus heureuse.
COO - Gloria Maris Group, Paris
I was at very important moment of my career/personal life and I was very confused. It definitely helped me on a personal level to change my behaviour, but more importantly to define a clear professional goal, and it was for me the perfect timing to do it. Now I am much more confident.
I was starting something new and I had little confidence with it, everything was very scary and I was doubting myself. I wanted more confidence in myself and my ability that I can do what I want to do.
Now I feel great and so happy I did it. You helped change my mindset about how I feel. You made me see things differently and in a different light, and see things in a different way I had never thought before. Like when I realised what my strengths are. I never would have figured it out like that without your help. I will never forget that.
I now see that I do have value and bring something unique. I don’t have to compare myself to others or feel like I have to be like others anymore. I see myself differently. I used to see myself my negatively and that my behaviour held me back from taking risks. But now I see that I did and do take risks, and now I view myself more positively as a result. This has helped me move forward in all aspects of my life. I have much more confidence and clarity in what I am trying to achieve in my business and I have much more clarity in what is important to me in my life and where I should spend my energy.
You are calm and friendly and made me feel safe in the space. You also made sure that I felt alright and you asked how you can help me feel good in order to do the sessions, which I appreciated. You made it easy to open up and be honest and I felt like I was being listened to. I liked the different activities we did, such as thinking of a time I was proud, or what would my relationship with time be like if we were friends. I have never done anything like that before, and it really helped to view things differently and get a different attitude or mindset towards it. That fresh way of approaching it really made it easier to look at things differently.
I completely recommend working with Chloe. You won’t regret it. Your insights you will gain will change your life. It is worth it
Communication Director, Strasbourg
Mon challenge était d'arriver à trouver ma voie et notre travail ensemble m'a permis de prendre conscience de mes valeurs fortes dans la vie, de ce que je souhaitais réaliser, des peurs limitantes à la réalisation de mon projet et d'arriver à trouver la manière la plus adaptée de les surmonter.
En ayant écarté les doutes que je pouvais avoir et en ayant fixé mes limites saines, j'avance désormais plus sereinement et avec détermination dans mon projet.
Ta pratique du coaching permet de faire émerger les réponses/solutions que l'on a au fond de soi ce qui me fait penser à cet extrait du livre La Voie de l'Archer de Paulo COEHLO : "Qu'est ce qu'un maître ? (...) Ce n'est pas celui qui enseigne quelque chose, c'est celui qui incite le disciple à donner le meilleur de lui-même pour qu'il découvre une connaissance présente en lui, au creux de son âme."
Tu as été à l'écoute et a su, au regard de ce que je te disais, me faire prendre conscience de ce que je souhaitais vraiment faire de ma vie et de la meilleure manière d'y arriver.
Cette expérience fut extrêmement enrichissante pour moi.
Career Consultant, Coach & Founder - Top Of The Pile, Cork
Chloe is an excellent coach who definitely helps her clients to gain more awareness about themselves and become the best version of themselves. I've had another confirmation that coaching is powerful when executed at such a high level of competence and openness. I really liked the support provided and the safe environment that was created. I found the process very intense and challenging at times, which I really appreciated. Thanks to Chloe's powerful questioning, I know now that I am an intuitive and determined person who believes in her path and who is willing to let go and accept the Universe's timing. With this new level of self-awareness I continue to take action steps that are moving me forward. Thank you again Chloe for your help!
Tutor & now... Life Coach, Dublin
If I am honest, I wasn't completely ready for coaching because I didn't understand its value so I went in with some reservations. I am glad I did follow through with it as I got some really valuable learning from the process. I have gotten better clarification on the type of coach I want to be. I am more comfortable with my coaching and confident in what I am doing. I am now living my values as they are more aligned to my actions and beliefs. I am more self assured and confident in myself.
You have helped me put structure on projects I am working on which has helped me a lot in terms of organisation. I am now very determined and can work to schedule when I have to, something I have always struggled with. I have new confidence that I can work to a plan now. I am now more than capable of doing anything I set my mind to. I trust in my own abilities more. I changed my view on my plan, went in thinking I wouldn't be coaching outside of work. Now, I have plans to start coaching outside of my daily job.
You gave me the space to progress at my own rate but also challenged me when I needed a bit of a shove! I would definitely recommend you to friends, family or colleagues if they are struggling with something in their life and want someone to give them the tools to make this issue easier to navigate. You are very open, honest and laid back making it very easy to work with you and get results. I am really grateful that you helped me get to where I am.
Advice from Zoe: Show up ready to work on yourself and it will work
Senior Customer Experience Consultant - Colorado Groupe, Paris
My objective was to change jobs and coaching with Chloe has allowed me to be mentally prepared and to switch mindset. She has the capacity to ask the right questions to set you up for success. I am now confident in myself and I have a new job !
Life Coach, Dublin
I found this a very powerful experience. The sessions resulted in many lightbulb moments that shone the light on my next best move. Chloe has a wonderful ability to transform my confusion into clarity with powerful questions that both gently challenged and reminded me of my own well of wisdom
Sales Programs Manager - Salesforce, Dublin
Chloé has coached me both on a personal and professional level to help me define my goals and build a plan to reach them. It has been a huge help for me and I couldn't recommend her more ! She is an amazing listener, showed great patience and understanding